I’ve Lived in 8 Countries Pt.3

Practical advice on moving abroad

Shannon Brown
6 min readNov 13, 2022

Congratulations. You did the research, you came prepared, and now you’re waking up in an unfamiliar location at an odd hour in a new bed. This is when things get real, and when you must remember the third piece of advice; be patient.

Be patient

Take three deep breaths. You just packed your entire life and left everything you’ve ever known. You are wiser for going through this process and it’s going to be okay.

Finding a moment of calm in India

Be patient with your body

No matter how well you prepare, your body will need a few days to adjust to a new time zone. If you are moving for employment, try arriving at least four days before you need to start working. Jet lag, or the disruption of your body’s circadian clock, can affect your mood and digestion along with your sleep. Research shows that most people struggle more when they fly west to east, and that the more time zones you cross, the longer your symptoms may persist. Personally, I felt sick and suffered intense jet lag every time I flew from Vietnam to Ohio (four times in four years) and my body took a couple weeks to get on a sleep schedule after arriving in Morocco. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time each day and take 30 minute power naps when you really can’t keep your eyes…



Shannon Brown

Early Childhood Educator. Currently in: Los Angeles, California